Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Even Personal Historians Have Trouble Recording Their Stories

One of the founders of the Association of Personal Historians passed away this weekend. I did not know Bob Joyce but he was by all descriptions a lovely man who was dedicated to the importance of life story preservation.

I found it very ironic, however, that the following paragraph was included in the notice sent to APH members: (Text bolding added by me).

(His daughter) is asking members who knew Bob to send stories for a book she is producing. "We did not have enough time to get much of [his life] story from him," she writes. "I would greatly appreciate email, cards, or letters with snippets of his life from you. I have started this project as The Life and Times of Your Local Irishman... Please include details of the times, the surroundings, others involved - paint me a picture, so to speak. The book shall be his eulogy."

Isn't that typical of so many professions? Even those of us who know first hand the importance of life story preservation can wait until it is too late.

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