Tuesday, February 3, 2009

"The Box" By Gail Smith

A fan of Priceless Legacy, Gail Smith, sent me this poem of her creation. I think it captures beautifully the emotions that attend our vital work. (With apologies for the formatting that that blog will impose on her work!)

“The BOX”

Often cardboard, tattered and stained, long forgotten and unexplained!

The contents vary, yet so the same, pictures, letters, our life proclaim!
We all have one, unique, yet not, a trail of life, memoirs forgot

The values vary, some low, some high, dependent on our last goodbye.

Buried Treasures or piled up trash? Reckoned by what’s within your dash!

That little line, defines your worth, from time of death, back to your birth.
Life’s all about, our firsts and lasts and in between with such contrasts!

Our deepest thoughts, our life’s forecasts, yet in the end, it’s all our pasts.
What life story does your box tell? Are you happy with this farewell?

Will your loved ones fondly reflect, upon your box with great respect?
If not, start NOW! Build your best box! Fill it with love; share your hard knocks,

Tell lessons learned, reveal the facts, disclose the joy of all your acts!
When you are gone, they’ll want to know, answers, details told long ago.

They’ll search the box, for hours on end, sweet memories, your touch transcends!
Make sure you share the key to find, the BOX of Life you leave behind.

This will become a treasure chest; your legacy, true and blessed!

Gayle Smith


Unpublished work © 2008 Gayle Smith

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