Friday, January 23, 2009


One of the unsung heroes of the Priceless Legacy process is our able force of freelance Transcriptionist/Editors. These "TEs," as we call them, are transcription and writing experts who live all over North America. We communicate with them via email and they do an outstanding job converting audio interviews from the field to the "narrative transcriptions" that are the base of the LifeStory text.

Most of these TEs work in relative anonymity and as such we honestly don't think much about how the privilege and impact of preserving LifeStories affects them too.

One wrote this as she submitted a finished job last night:

If you can, please pass on to the (Legacy Consultant) - and hopefully to (the Subject) - that this story touched me very deeply as I transcribed it. It made me cry, it made me laugh, and it made me reflect on my own life. Much of her life I saw in mine. I loved the way she spoke and the way she expressed her life philosophies - truly inspiring stuff. If you could maybe pass that on to her from the girl who transcribed her story, it would be great.

I love how life story capture impacts everyone in such a positive way.

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