Monday, January 19, 2009

PLC Core Values

There are 10 core values at the Priceless Legacy Company:

1. Every life story is precious and deserving of preservation.

2. The preservation of one’s life story is not a vanity but an obligation to the future.

3. The only act of selfishness is to not preserve one’s story

4. Something is better than nothing: do not let perfectionism abet procrastination

5. Our Legacy Consultants have an extraordinary and special mission to preserve life stories; PLC will support their efforts at every turn.

6. Mistakes are OK. The failure to learn from them is not.

7. Time is of the essence. Priceless stories are lost when we do not attack aggressively in the marketplace.

8. Respect Client’s and Subject’s wishes for privacy and confidentiality.

9. Conduct yourself with fairness and integrity at all times.

10. If we “do the right thing” for our Clients, Legacy Consultants, staff and investors, good things – including financial gain – will ensue.

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