Monday, June 1, 2009

Nine Questions for Dad

Father's Day and the anniversary of my father's death have me thinking about some questions that everyone should ask their father (if they still have that luxury).

Nine Questions for Dad

1. What did you enjoy most about being a Dad? Least?
2. Are there things you wish you had done differently as a father?
3. In what ways are we alike and in what ways are we different?
4. Why did you marry my mother?
5. Is there anything you every wanted to tell us (me) but have not?
6. What is the secret to raising good kids?
7. Is there anything you regret not having asked your parents?
8. Do you think today’s fathers have it harder, easier or just different?
9. What do you want to make sure that my children and grandchildren will remember about you?

Ivar Gudmundsson (January 19, 1912- to June 2, 1996)

1 comment:

Brian said...

Peter: Good questions, a great photo & a fitting tribute.